June yoga pose of the month: Ustrasana - Camel

Ustrasana Camel Pose

Each month I'll break down a different yoga pose including the benefits, how to properly do each pose and ways to modify.

Benefits: Camel pose opens the entire front of your body and is a great heart and throat chakra opener. This pose also gives you energy, helps relieve congestion and massages your abdominal organs. Since the flight or fight response is stimulated in this pose, it also teaches strength through vulnerability. 

How to:

  • Begin kneeling with your knees hips width distance apart

  • Place your palms at the small of your back with your fingertips facing down towards your heels

  • Inhale and slowly start to lean back as you send your pelvis forward

  • Send your mid and upper spine up and back

  • Keep your hips directly over your knees by engaging your legs and pressing your hips forward

  • Drop your head back and relax your face and throat

  • Continue to lift up and back from your waist, ribs, chest and collarbone as you lean back

  • Remember to breathe — take slow shallow breaths

To come out of this pose come back to center and slowly sink to your heels. Place one hand on your heart and the other on the ground and close your eyes for a few breaths.


  • Reach towards your heels or a block for a deeper expression

  • Place a block between your thighs to help keep your knees in alignment

  • Practice with your pelvis and thighs pressed against a wall as you lean back to keep your body in proper alignment

Avoid this pose if you have lower back or neck issues.